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YICCA 2018 – International Contest of Contemporary Art


Visual Arts.


Cash prize and the opportunity to exhibit the submitted works in an art gallery of a European city.


September 25, 2018


Australis is a program of  cultural management  and art residences present in Italy  and Chile since 2011. This program basically manage all residences needs, related to logistic,communication and organization of cultural events especially in artistic matters. In January  2015 Sinopsis has developed general production of  “Bienal del Fin del Mundo” that had  took place in Valparaiso, Chile. During this event had  participated  more than 50 artists from 25 countries around the world. We count on a strong collaboration with institutions of art, as embassies , galleries and curators  providing a large multicultural exchange during our residences. Our residences are characterized by mini-pills of arte history and guided visits in museum and studios. Our mission  is to immerse the resident artist in the cultural background of country temporarily living  as an anthropological point of view  about himself, his own culture and the hosting one.

Ta7rir is a non-governmental organization, launched to support creatives addressing social and economic challenges, with a focus on their freedom in proposing alternative solutions, far from any form of censorship and limitations.

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