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22nd Luis Valtueña Humanitarian Photography Award


Photography grant.


6,000 Euro.


November 09, 2018


Once again, this year, Médicos del Mundo presents the Luis Valtueña International Humanitarian Photography Award to denounce the situation of millions of people in the World. This award comes as a tribute to and in recognition of Luis Valtueña, Flors Sirera, Manuel Madrazo, and Mercedes Navarro, Médicos del Mundo aid workers killed in Rwanda in 1997 and in Bosnia in 1995 while performing their duties as international humanitarian aid workers. Their memory serves to ensure that each year victims of injustice are brought to light. Give them a voice through your gaze. And in doing so, together, we can bring injustice to an end.

Ta7rir is a non-governmental organization, launched to support creatives addressing social and economic challenges, with a focus on their freedom in proposing alternative solutions, far from any form of censorship and limitations.

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